Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, Beans for today. Very simple but a little different from american way.

Hi Friends,
For today we will have beans with rice. Si simple but very nutritive and delicious. It's an excellent source of iron and we know what iron means for kids. We will also have onion salad and a green salad. You might add a soft boiled egg. It's up to you adding fried egg.
If you search the web for Peruvian style beans, you will find that always frying is required. However as we tol at the start point we avoid this process and can asure you the good taste and healthy this dish is anyway.
Well, we will cook for 6 servings.
2 cups beans soaked the day before
2 cups of white rice long grain (you can use brown rice and it is more nutritious)
2 bay leaves
1/2 onion medium size
1/2 red bell pepper cut in two or three pieces
6 garlic cloves (4 for beans and 2 for the rice)
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon powder pepper

1 red onion julienne cut
1 lettuce
1 tomato
1 avocado
1 lemon
salt, pepper, balsamic vinager and olive oil.

In a pot put the beans and bay leaves with 5 cups of water, "HIGH" temperature.
Add 4 garlic cloves, the onion and bell pepper.
When water is boiling remove garlic cloves, the onion and bell pepper.
Set temperature to "MEDIUM"
Blend garlic cloves, the onion and bell pepper.
Time for cooking beans depends on many factors as quality/type of beans and time soaked. However it can take 30 minutes to 1 hour or more. Be alert and taste beans, when are soft enough they are ready.
When beans are cooked add the blended, salt, cumin and powder pepper. If water is low add 1 cup.
Cook MEDIUM LOW for about 10-15 minutes. Move the beans with a kitchen wood spoon to homogenize the mix.
Beans are ready. To serve sprinkle generously with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

The white rice is simple. If you have a rice cooker you can proceed with it. If you want experience our white rice, simple do this:
Two cups of white rice + 2 cups of water.
2 garlic cloves grounded
salt, 1 teaspoon
Put garlic with a little of water on the pot at HIGH Temperature.
Add rice and water. Close the pot.
When water boils set temperature to LOW
Keep cooking rice for 30-45 minutes. Taste rice.

Red Onion, soak onion for at less 1 hour. Rinse and add salt, powder pepper, balsamic vinager, lemon juice and olive oil.

Green Salad
Slice tomatoes, avocado and lettuce
Add salt, powder pepper, balsamic vinager, lemon juice and olive oil just before serving.

Verypopular in Peru is tacu tacu. This dish is made with beans and rice leftover. Put in a pan half red onion chopped and when is brown add beans, rice and eggs. Mix and cook until eggs are wll cooked. Add olive oil and is ready to enjoy your next day breakfast.
It's also usual that Peru Cuisine consider pork and or bacon in many types to add. You can do that to and we will not judge you. You might add this raw at the start point with the beans. You can asure is tasty but understand that it is not so healthy.

Enjoy this dish and tell us how did you find.
Again fell free to make any question and to share with your friends.

Bon Apettit

Gustavo and Charo

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