Saturday, January 2, 2010

A season fruit makes "Palta Rellena" for today

Hi Friends,

One fruit we miss very much here in the US is avocado. We can find in the stores but the price is not affordable as it is in Peru. However sometimes we find on sale so we can have at our table this deliciuos and nutritive food.

"Palta Rellena" is the spanish name. In English would be something like Stuffed Avocado.
It's very easy to make and also has many variants. Here is it:
The core of the dish is Avocado. Medium or Large size are good for this recipe.
The number of servings for this recipe is in a direct relation to the number of guests you have.
Half avocado per serving.

Now we are going to the Stuff. As in our home some are veggie in a way, we decide to make a veggie stuff. As we mention before there are variants. We can make the stuff based on chicken, crab, schrimps, tuna or simple veggie.
The main part of the stuff is the mayonaisse. There is no comparison between a home made mayonaisse and a comercial brand. So we will focus in make a good mayonaisse.
2 pasteurized eggs
1 cup extra virgin Spanish olive oil (approximately, you can also use other vegetable oil, canola, soy or corn for example)
1 key lemon juice
1 tablespoon of mustard
1 clove garlic (optional and makes very tasty but some people prefer without it)
salt to taste (approximately 1/2 tsp)
This mayonnaise recipe makes about 1 cup.
We recommend that you use pasteurized eggs. The pasteurization process destroys bacteria that may be present, like salmonella by heating the eggs for a period of time to destroy the bacteria, but does not cook them. You must still refrigerate the mayonnaise and any dish you make with it to prevent contamination.
Blender or Mixer Needed: A small “stick blender” or “stick mixer” will give you the best results for this recipe. With a stick blender, you can make the mayonnaise right in a 2-cup measuring cup!
Crack the eggs into the blender . Add the mustard, juice lemon, garlic clove and salt. Start blending . Now, slowly drizzle the olive oil into the eggs and watch as the mixture magically turns into mayonnaise. Don’t lift the beaters or blenders. Keep them at the bottom until the bottom of the mixture starts to really thicken and turn to mayonnaise. Once the bottom half of the mixture has turned to mayonnaise, you may lift up the mixer to finish mixing in the oil at the top.Now you are finished! You have real home made mayonaisse.

The veggie stuffed suggested is composed by a chopped mix of carrot, potato, beet, green peas and corn kernels. Add the mayonaisse to this mix and you have now the stuffed. Fill each avocado half with this mix and decorate.
For decoration purposes you can use lettuce leaves as a base and at the top of the stuff a slice of boiled egg with a little point of ketchup or a little piece of red bell pepper.
In case you decide to use the other stuffed here are hoe they are:
Chicken: Boiled skinless and boneless breast. Half of a breast is enough if you are making up to 5-6 servings. Once boiled crumple the breast and mix with fresh chopped celery, crushed pecans (might be cashews, wallnuts or other nuts) and a few of green peas and chopped red bell pepper. Add the mayonaisse and you have your stuff rerady to fill each avocado half.

Instead of chicken you can use pre cooked crab meat, schrimps or tuna. In this case I suggest adding 1 lemon juice to to this and proceed the same as is explained for the chicken.
Don't forget to make any question or comment about this deliciuos dish.
Bon Apettit,
Gus and Charo

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